

Dalayan Beginner
Hi everybody, I am new to SoD but had played the other game for a few years, so looking to see how well i do at this one.
well got my necro up to level 8 now, trying to get my GF in the game, but dont know if her comp will run it
Welcome to SoD, and congrats on your necro =)   :dance:

edited to add: Later. It's not our loss for sure, those with a lack of respect for the rules will do far better with the other guys anyway
Well it was fun, but dont think this is for me, very childish actions by a Gm prompted me to go back to live servers, i wont subject my GF to silly abuse of power from people that clearly have nothing better to do then try to force trivial ideas on people, ya its your sandbox, but a word of advice, worry about gameplay issues not silly things that dont effect the game of the people playing or others in the game. Truly your loss, i have raided for most of my 3 years on live, have been raid leader for most of a year, pulling a guild through much of planes of power expansion and gates of discord.

A server depending on others to support it would probably fair better not trying to enforce subjective rulings on other, a name that is non-offencive can most time be defined by diffrent people as a "word" or a name, i would have gladly spent the 15 a month i spent on the live to play in the old world style game, but i refuse to allow the constant trouble of someone else defining what is a name and what isnt, when the name was in no way offencive to anyone, overcontrol of the little things is just silly. im sure at some point you will learn that, Good Luck to those of you that brave it.
# Titles
No titles. You can't be "Lordgrey" or "Jackthegreat". Sorry.

# Stupid or Well-Known Names
No names from well-known, popular media. You can't be Aragorn, Gandalf or Garfield. Also, excusing it with that you spelled it Ganddalf or Garrfield will earn you a ban for sheer stupidity. On that note, no unrealistic or completely idiotic names either. "Rogue" or "Iksar" are not acceptable names.

# Wordplays and Wordmeshes
No wordplays. "Froak Frog" is not an acceptable name, nor is Frog or Froak by itself, but those go under idiotic names anyway. In the same avenue, no combine-word names. You can't be Rockjumper or Swordswinger or Deathdancer. These are acceptable last names, but not acceptable first names.

# The Linguistic Lambada
Cleverly bypassing the naming policy by using a different language will not win you any sympathy points. We will still change your name when we find out.

# Kooky Combinations
If you are dual clienting a pair of characters with an obvious name combo/word play (for example Louise and Thelma) they will be changed even if the individual names do not violate policy.

# Even Then!
That "you used this name on live" does not mean it magically bypasses the policy. We will not tolerate this excuse. Use the rules here, not the non-existant name rules on EQlive.

They are rules clearly posted on the website, so if your name didn't follow the guidelines, you had to change it. Pretty bad that you base what the server is like because you chose a name that didn't follow the rules, and then you whine about it. Good luck mr. legolas_001
exactly, he said it was a "word" which i dont see said there for one, two it is subjective as to what some things are words and what are names, so your point is mute-thank you have a good day.
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