I noticed SoD quite a few months ago, but at that time I was to busy to really play. I found the site again a few days ago and decided to try it out. I am in the process of patching the game right now, so I should be in world soon. Not sure which class or race I will play, most likely a human, or one of the elves. Class..a wizard maybe.
Anyways, nice meeting you all and I hope to be around for some time. [If I get hooked, I will be on a -long- time. I have no life currently. Heh]
I did read over almost all of the stuff on the site, and noticed it talked about events in which the people should be in character/roleplay, which I truely love. I've always wanted to play a game in which people -do- roleplay. Even when I played that -Game-, or -Game2- the RP servers never had any roleplay, or at least hardly none at all.
Well, that is all I will type for now. I can't wait to m eet you all in game. ^^;
Anyways, nice meeting you all and I hope to be around for some time. [If I get hooked, I will be on a -long- time. I have no life currently. Heh]
I did read over almost all of the stuff on the site, and noticed it talked about events in which the people should be in character/roleplay, which I truely love. I've always wanted to play a game in which people -do- roleplay. Even when I played that -Game-, or -Game2- the RP servers never had any roleplay, or at least hardly none at all.
Well, that is all I will type for now. I can't wait to m eet you all in game. ^^;