

Dalayan Adventurer
Hi , I just recently decided to come back (reinstalling titanium as we speak ^^) I use to play when this was called winters roar so I assume a ton has changed since then. I wanted to make a necro/enchanter box but was looking for an opinion on how well that would work together for this server. Any advice is appreciated!:dance:
Welcome back.

Necro/Enchanter should work very well. At times, you will probably find yourself wanting a healer (life flow + tap may cut it for healing the enchanter, probably not a charmed pet), but there should be a lot of options for you when it comes to leveling in or out of groups. As you get back into playing, if you have any necromancer questions feel free to send me a tell.
Welcome back! I just joined in the past month or two. Community is awesome and the game has seen a ton of improvements.

Box it up! control the dead AND the living!
Welcome back.

Necro/Enchanter should work very well. At times, you will probably find yourself wanting a healer (life flow + tap may cut it for healing the enchanter, probably not a charmed pet), but there should be a lot of options for you when it comes to leveling in or out of groups. As you get back into playing, if you have any necromancer questions feel free to send me a tell.

I was considering mage also instead of necro its a tough choice :dumbsad:


necro / druid


mage / druid
I was considering mage also instead of necro its a tough choice :dumbsad:


necro / druid


mage / druid

A mage, over a necromancer? Oh that's just silly. (Says the completely biased necromancer)

A druid could certainly be helpful and work out well with either of those options. I know mage/druid is fairly common. I chose not to box when starting, so that has had a significant impact on my soloing strats - but most of the time there is little beyond buffs that a druid brings to me soloing.
Druid. Buffs, heals, ports.

They go well with any other non-healer class really.

You could also do dual pets and go necro/mage. :)
i LOVE necro i played one for years on live way back when its just mage summonables are so much fun <.<
The thing about Necros is their hands down biggest strength (solo well) is fairly meh on a server where you can and should and will box. Also, enchanter is really low on my list of "want to duo with" for Necros who can already mana regen, mez, and haste their pets themselves. Lots of overlap there. With a mage you get a pet with a lot more tankability and a much simpler damage rotation (blam blam blam blam v. rolling dots). Druids of course are useful and all around good classes minus the lack of a post Blizzard rain, but I digress.
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