

Dalayan Beginner
Hey everyone, my name is Neil. I started playing on SoD last night and am really enjoying it so far! I started playing EQLive back in vanilla a little before Kunark came out. What a great time I had in that expansion. I played for a few more expansions, I think I stopped somewhere around Gates of Discord.
Anyway, I'm excited to keep playing and see what this server has to offer.
There are a lot of people on these boards that would offer plenty of help / advice. Just ask some questions.

Hopefully you have found
www.shardsofdalaya.com that will link you to many resources like our version of a "bazaar" , server status, etc.

and the community updated wiki
http://wiki.shardsofdalaya.com/index.php/Main_Page where you can find information similar to Allakhazam for vanilla EQ as well as some fairly in depth new player guides.

-Burglecut. Look me up online.
Glad to have you! I played EQ live for many years before quiting, and now I am in love with SoD. Don't be scared to ask questions. The people in this game and on these forums are far and away the most helpful I have found for live/emulated servers.

If you are new and plan to play a while, I would suggest reading the Wiki a little about religion and alignment. It is an interesting twist that live did not necessarily have.

Also don't forget to look up the /style system. Live did not have this, and it took me a while to know it existed. Styles make a pretty big difference in DPS and mitigation/avoidance. As an example, the styles for paladin are at the bottom of this link's page http://wiki.shardsofdalaya.com/index.php/Paladin

Good luck and have fun!
Thank you both!

I started a druid because I always loved playing a druid in EQLive. I'm just not sure if I should stay in Kelethin or try to make my way over to Surefall Glade.
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Two boxing is allowed on this server, and I think anyone leveling up without a second box is doing themselves a disservice. That said, I am still pretty new here :p
Two boxing is allowed on this server, and I think anyone leveling up without a second box is doing themselves a disservice. That said, I am still pretty new here :p

I agree, as someone who leveled up solo those times that you can't find a group would've gone by a lot more smoothly with a box. It also diversifies your prospects at 65 - if a group / guild / whoever wants one type or the other character you can still participate.
One of my biggest regrets by far on this server is not leveling up with a box.

I tell other people that its rolling a druid over cleric, but in reality druids are extremely useful. They are a fun class to be. If you are looking for raw heal output though it's extremely hard to match a cleric.

Honestly anything would work with a druid, and if you ever need some druidly advice hit me up here on the forums or in-game, same name in-game.
One of my biggest regrets by far on this server is not leveling up with a box.

I tell other people that its rolling a druid over cleric, but in reality druids are extremely useful. They are a fun class to be. If you are looking for raw heal output though it's extremely hard to match a cleric.

Honestly anything would work with a druid, and if you ever need some druidly advice hit me up here on the forums or in-game, same name in-game.

I don't regret only leveling up a druid! But if I did it all over again, I'd box for sure.
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