Dalayan Beginner
Hi all, I'm James and I just purchased the download for the client from amazon so i could come over here and play around in the old EQ world again. I played eq from 99 or 2000 till about 2007 then have been jumping around different games ever since.
Cant wait to get back into EQ and re expierience all the worlds that got me hooked to begin with. I will be starting from scratch and was wondering what class types and which servers were good to roll on to get going. I like all the classes for the most part with melee like rogue and warr being preferred but have played all of them and dont mind playing a cleric or caster.
Look forward to playing together
Cant wait to get back into EQ and re expierience all the worlds that got me hooked to begin with. I will be starting from scratch and was wondering what class types and which servers were good to roll on to get going. I like all the classes for the most part with melee like rogue and warr being preferred but have played all of them and dont mind playing a cleric or caster.
Look forward to playing together