

Dalayan Beginner
Hi all, I'm James and I just purchased the download for the client from amazon so i could come over here and play around in the old EQ world again. I played eq from 99 or 2000 till about 2007 then have been jumping around different games ever since.

Cant wait to get back into EQ and re expierience all the worlds that got me hooked to begin with. I will be starting from scratch and was wondering what class types and which servers were good to roll on to get going. I like all the classes for the most part with melee like rogue and warr being preferred but have played all of them and dont mind playing a cleric or caster.

Look forward to playing together

Hey James!

Well, my very first suggestion would be to read this article, and basically kiss and cozy up to the wiki, it's a huge help : http://wiki.shardsofdalaya.com/index.php/Differences_between_SoD

There is only one server, so you won't have to spend any time wondering which server you should join up on. After completing a brief tutorial type scenario, you'll be zoned into your starting zone and be in a guild called Dalaya's Beginners. Feel free to ask us questions in there, someone is bound to know the answer or be able to point you in the right direction.

The fantastic thing about this server, if you loved the immersive world that EQ classic provided, is the developers created an entirely new world with different lore, and many new activities to participate in and things to discover. So if that was your cup of tea, you're gonna love this game.

All classes have their uses, for end game it seems like people frequently need someone who plays a cleric as their main. The most important thing I think, however, is just to play what you love. Warriors are difficult to start with, because they are very gear dependent. If you have patience to fish, mine, or farm low level trade skill materials though money shouldn't be too big of an obstacle. If you don't have much patience (some people just don't and that's OK!) then maybe starting one of the other melee classes you like to play would be the better choice for you. You can always get back to making a warrior once you've got some platinum to spare.

Enjoy, and see you in game!
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