

Dalayan Beginner
Hello, I just started playing recently and besides asking a question, it occured to me i've never properly introduced myself. So in service of politeness, I make this post. Also, from what i've played (never played the original EQ, but I read about it), this game seems awesome. Actually it seems i've already kind of picked up on the main question of this game, which is: Who is kaezul and and what's the history behind him? Anyways, game looks fun so far and I'm enjoying it. Btw, my main I'm working on is a mage named Myrlenia(lvl 15 at the time of this post), so hit me up if you want in game (just don't be a prick), and hopefully I'll see ya!!
Hey welcome! Glad you're liking it so far. It's an awesome game, and it's great that you're picking it up without having played original EQ, so it's a brand new experience for you and you have no pre-existing ideas to "un-learn". I'm Hadrienne in game, if you have any questions feel free to send me a /tell, or ask in DB - I usually have wiki open at all times, and don't mind looking stuff up quick to help people out. :) See you in game!
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