Dalayan Beginner
Hello everyone, I am a veteran retail player who hasn't played in years, started in April of 2001. I primarily played a Wood Elf Bard on the 7th Hammer server, playing a Dark Elf Shadow Knight and Iksarr Monk as backups.
I don't have money to spare for things like this (this darn economy, lol) but have some new interest as a friend mentioned to me SOE are offering a free 10 day trial to retail vets. Thinking about it I was like well if I start odds are I am going to want to continue after the free trial but again, no money. Being familiar with the top100 site as I play WoW for free I decided to check out EQ private servers and this was top of the list.
Hopefully there is an active decent sized community here as I am a social butterfly when it comes to online gaming
I am looking into where I can download the content as I've since lost all my original game discs, but it looks like there is a retail trial for some new expansion and I am hoping it prompts me to download the rest of the game (like WoW) when I go to install it.
Anywhoo, once I get the download/install sorted I look forward to being a total noob (I've forgotten so much, lol) and gaming with you all!
Estarriol (My retail bards name)
I don't have money to spare for things like this (this darn economy, lol) but have some new interest as a friend mentioned to me SOE are offering a free 10 day trial to retail vets. Thinking about it I was like well if I start odds are I am going to want to continue after the free trial but again, no money. Being familiar with the top100 site as I play WoW for free I decided to check out EQ private servers and this was top of the list.
Hopefully there is an active decent sized community here as I am a social butterfly when it comes to online gaming
I am looking into where I can download the content as I've since lost all my original game discs, but it looks like there is a retail trial for some new expansion and I am hoping it prompts me to download the rest of the game (like WoW) when I go to install it.
Anywhoo, once I get the download/install sorted I look forward to being a total noob (I've forgotten so much, lol) and gaming with you all!
Estarriol (My retail bards name)