

Dalayan Beginner
Hello everyone, I am a veteran retail player who hasn't played in years, started in April of 2001. I primarily played a Wood Elf Bard on the 7th Hammer server, playing a Dark Elf Shadow Knight and Iksarr Monk as backups.

I don't have money to spare for things like this (this darn economy, lol) but have some new interest as a friend mentioned to me SOE are offering a free 10 day trial to retail vets. Thinking about it I was like well if I start odds are I am going to want to continue after the free trial but again, no money. Being familiar with the top100 site as I play WoW for free I decided to check out EQ private servers and this was top of the list.

Hopefully there is an active decent sized community here as I am a social butterfly when it comes to online gaming :)

I am looking into where I can download the content as I've since lost all my original game discs, but it looks like there is a retail trial for some new expansion and I am hoping it prompts me to download the rest of the game (like WoW) when I go to install it.

Anywhoo, once I get the download/install sorted I look forward to being a total noob (I've forgotten so much, lol) and gaming with you all!

Estarriol (My retail bards name)
I'm afraid you will at some point have to cave in and pay for the game itself. Keep an eye on Direct2Drive and steam, though, and you may can find it for even cheaper than the $20 that Steam is currently charging for the Underfoot compilation pack (which I bought 3 weeks ago and am currently using and runs the game just fine).

At any rate, see you in-game!
A friend of mine just sent me this link:


So I'll be fully updated including the new expansion, with a 10 day free trial as well. Your website says any installs after 2004 will work, so I should be rolling my new bard and getting totally lost on your server in a day or 2 :D

Quick side note (sorry for pestering you with questions) does this server run standard xp rates or are they boosted? Don't see it advertised on the website and am curious. And what's the server population like? i don't see anything on the site mentioning that either.

Thanks and see you in game!
This is not a high rates server if that is what you are asking. I wouldn't know if the rates are EXACTLY the same as Live, but they are a rate at which you will need to work for your levels, though it wont take you a week to hit level 2. The grouping system promotes large groups in that, for example, if you can solo a mob for 1000xp, then you can have a group of 2-6 people kill that same mob for 500xp, so basically more people = faster kills, and a full group will get rapid xp overall.

As for population, both your comments indicate you probably play near peak hours, late afternoon U.S. times, so you can expect those times to have normally 400-500ish characters online. Even at the slower times I don't think it really dips below 100 people much. The guild we all start in is the guild with the highest population (because we all start in it) so you can expect there to pretty much always be someone to talk to in guild, even if they aren't always your level range. Welcome to SoD :D
Wow sounds great, I was expecting far less population like under 100 @ peak so that's great news. Looking forward to playing, gonna be interesting to start over in the ultimate grind mmo, lol.
There are 205 characters online right now. Look to the left to determine the time and day this was true.
just curious if OP got the client this way because i tired and got a error message from the launchpad.exe

launchpad.exe - entry point not found

the procedure entry point cointernetsetfeatureEnabled could not be located in the dynamic link libary urlmom.dll

i guess ill just go and buy it
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