

Dalayan Beginner
My name is Archon. Though I run an Iksar Shadownight named Braviss, which is a variation of my name in real life, Brandon. And i'm very happy to have found a free private server for Everquest, even if the population is rather small compared to the 'live' servers. I'm up for grouping with someone who is also a very low level (like 1 or 2) as i'm pretty sure that's the only way i'm going to survive in this game. I am new to Everquest so bear with me, also play an Sarnak Shadowknight on Everquest II Extended (Though I stopped playing because the launchpad for Extended was so poorly designed, that I couldn't even start the game one day.) Made it to the 30's in that game. But like everyone says, Everquest is much different and much harder than Everquest II. So if anyone wants to group with me, just send me an friend request on Everquest and once I figure out how to add a friend (I'll wiki it or something) i'll add you back.
/friend (name)
That's the command to friend someone.. but that really only helps to search and see if the person is online and such. I would suggest boxing a healer to help you along, that way you always have the basis of a group (tank/healer) and you just need to find dps to help you kill quicker.
Welcome - you will find that even though our population is smaller we have implemented things like global ooc and auction to make it easier to group etc.

Of course you could always tell all your friends so our population matches live =p
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