

Dalayan Beginner
Just made my first chars on SoD on friday and had a fun packed weekend! So far i made a BL and an enchanter and have both to lvl 14 (not 2 boxing yet did them separate)

Has been great fun so far and look forward to meeting more people and learning about how the server operates.

See you in my travels!

Zene - Human Enchanter
Tubz - Vah Beastlord
Hey man. Grouped with you over the weekend, would not have taken you for a new guy. You really seemed to know your way around Runnyeye. Glad you're around, I'll look for you next time I am on.
haha yea that was fun n RE. I was just exploring blindly and pulling stuff for us. For some reason the shield you were using and you having a human pet threw me off, I didn't know you were a BL until we left.

Good times = )
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