

Dalayan Beginner

I started playing EQ before Kunark, so I guess it was about 1997 or 98? I played for routinely for about 7 years until my children were born. I had a level 70 sk and a 70 bl just before prophecy of ro came out. I am looking forward to hopefully playing on here with you ladies and gents, if I can get the game to let me in :) I have posted a request for help in the technical area if anyone is familiar with problems loading. I have in fact read the support threads and knowledge base along with the rules. Hope to see people in game.
Welcome back to the land of evil things we poke with sticks. If you require help, many avenues are welcome such as the newbie guild you start out in and people on forums, such as Kerolynne, who help those that desire it.

If you have any questions and see me in game, I will gladly answer them to best of my ability. My Chars are in my sig.

The following link will help you on your journey:

Thank you.
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