Dalayan Beginner
hello everyone, I am returning to dalaya, I played here a bit in the past not for long though. I played on live from the release of kunark up till GoD time frame. I quit eq for wow and now i'm sick of that game and the eqlive game has gone to crap. I'll be playing here from now on. I have a lvl 11 bst right now named vulod that i started today and I'm loving it here.
Unfortunately i will only be around for a month since I'm in the USMC and am scheduled to deploy within the month. I did donate this month to help out the server since I'm really hoping it's still around in November when i get home.
hope to see you guys in the game.
Unfortunately i will only be around for a month since I'm in the USMC and am scheduled to deploy within the month. I did donate this month to help out the server since I'm really hoping it's still around in November when i get home.
hope to see you guys in the game.