

Dalayan Beginner
Howdy! Same story as most who are about to try this: played EQ back in the golden era, gave it up because of the changes, tried other games, finally gave in to the undertow of unyielding yearning and started looking at classic emus. This looks like the best so here we go!

Just bought anniversary edition online, should be here Tues, and I'll be in (mighty tech gods permitting). Really looking forward to getting to know everyone. Happy questing

Dwarven Paladins FTW!:dance:
If you were an EQ player, one piece of advice. Stun aggro does not work here. Blind is what you want to use. Flash of Light is it until you get some other stuff at higher levels like some sweet PBAE undead DD.

Good hunting. Hope you enjoy the server as much as I do.
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