Hello! Testing Forum Settings. Downloading EQ titanium Now, my gold version didn't work. Got to chat with some of you on IRC. Look forward to trying this out!
I Played EQ 1 since Beta. Haven't played in over 3 years (stopped playing EQ 2 just a year ago though). Looking forward to playing casually and leveling a character or two up.
I was first 50 rogue on Xegony, Halfling before Kunark came out. Man Bone razor was sweet back then off of Dracoliche, had the only one on the server, never could get that dang Fang Skull Stilleto (was so legendary back then, 12 damage piercer!)
Moved to Lanys T'vyl (Seventh Hammer) and got a Necro up to 65 with 220 AA (that was something back then!), played in a big end game guild called Conquest. Eventually joined some other high end guilds after Conquest.
Played a monk up to 58 during that time, Iksar.
Wife and I Duo'd Guardian and Mystic in EQ2 to lvl 70 (70 Armorer and 70 Provisioner too). I eventually became a guild leader and her the main tank for Kingdom of Sky raids! She was great! She doesn't play games anymore though. =/
So, deciding on what class to try. Id like to pick one to be my main, for grouping raids etc, and the other to be backup just for when i cant find a group etc. Thinking Chanter and Druid with Druid man, or Ranger Druid. Was looknig forward to doing a melee class, but i heard you guys are low on chanters as Mains, is this true?
Any suggestions are welcome, i have no preference, I have played all classes. I am looking more for that old nostalgic EQ feel. Not the content and lore, but the community and simpler refined game experience. Here to make friends not win uber lewtz =P Spent 7 years doing that haha!
Nice to meet you all!
I Played EQ 1 since Beta. Haven't played in over 3 years (stopped playing EQ 2 just a year ago though). Looking forward to playing casually and leveling a character or two up.
I was first 50 rogue on Xegony, Halfling before Kunark came out. Man Bone razor was sweet back then off of Dracoliche, had the only one on the server, never could get that dang Fang Skull Stilleto (was so legendary back then, 12 damage piercer!)
Moved to Lanys T'vyl (Seventh Hammer) and got a Necro up to 65 with 220 AA (that was something back then!), played in a big end game guild called Conquest. Eventually joined some other high end guilds after Conquest.
Played a monk up to 58 during that time, Iksar.
Wife and I Duo'd Guardian and Mystic in EQ2 to lvl 70 (70 Armorer and 70 Provisioner too). I eventually became a guild leader and her the main tank for Kingdom of Sky raids! She was great! She doesn't play games anymore though. =/
So, deciding on what class to try. Id like to pick one to be my main, for grouping raids etc, and the other to be backup just for when i cant find a group etc. Thinking Chanter and Druid with Druid man, or Ranger Druid. Was looknig forward to doing a melee class, but i heard you guys are low on chanters as Mains, is this true?
Any suggestions are welcome, i have no preference, I have played all classes. I am looking more for that old nostalgic EQ feel. Not the content and lore, but the community and simpler refined game experience. Here to make friends not win uber lewtz =P Spent 7 years doing that haha!
Nice to meet you all!