

Dalayan Beginner
Wow, where to start? Okay, here's my story. Bought and played EQ with a friend back in (I think) 2002, on the Stromm (and briefly Firiona Vie) server, because my level 70 necro buddy convinced me to play. Of course, he abandoned me and only supplied me with a few occasional stashes of platinum (always begrudgingly), but I had enough fun on my own playing my poor bastardized halfling cleric. Well, after getting somewhere in the high 50's, I couldn't stand the grinding anymore, and cancelled my account (just as I was just about to get my epic weapon! I probably could have sold it for at least what I paid for it. Oh well, hindsight is always 20/20.) When WoW came out I hopped on the bandwagon and played my tauren druid, faithfully sticking to the healing role because I must hate myself. Well, I gave my account to my brother after hitting level 70, finding the end-game raiding game to be too intensive for my full-time schedule to handle. I checked out a few free WoW servers, finding them all lacking, and gave up on the computer for a while. But ever since playing WoW, a part of me missed those old 90's era graphics and massive, under-hyped zones to wander around in. Maybe I'm going crazy, but I decided to check you guys out! From my vast and studious 15 minutes of research, this place sounds like a pretty cool place to roleplay, something that really appeals to me. I've played a certain roleplaying MUD since 1996 and grown quite fond of it, and I'm excited for the opportunity to try it with actual GRAPHICS (albeit EQ graphics, but even so!)

--Skip all of the above to get past my ramblings and onto my questions!--

On a scale of 1-100%, how much does this resemble an actual EQ live server? Granted, I haven't played since the LDoN expansion, so I'm sure I'll be unfamiliar even with some of the features on an EQ live server.

I've almost convinced myself to kick the healing habit, and thought about playing a wizard this time around instead. What are the grouping demands for clerics/wizards/any other classes these days? Don't worry, I'm not going to make a bard. :p

Are the exp/drop rates the same as a live server? I still have nightmares about those 12-hour exp runs in the PoV.

Anything else I should be aware of as just another oblivious newbie?
Forget all the conventions you learned in live. This is a completely new game with completely different conventions using the same art.
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