

Dalayan Beginner
Hi everyone. I've been playing on SoD for about 3 weeks now and now that I've gotten my feet wet I figure it would be nice for me to get mroe active here on the forums.

I found SoD when a friend who played here a while ago showed it to me but I couldn't find my old EQ install disks. I had Kunark and Luclin but I had no idea where the cds were so I thought I couldn't play. After spending some time thinking about it, I realized that downloading the games wouldn't be so bad considering I had already paid for them long ago, so I did that and started playing.

I started with a class I always wanted to try out and I'm having fun with it for the most part. I'm currently a 36 ranger and I just caught Dark Rot (doh) so I'm figuring out what I want to do with myself right now since nobody seems to want to group with anyone who's infected and I don't like lying about it to people because I would hate to pass it on any more than I already have (which is one time).

Anyways, I hope to have a long enjoyable stay with this community playing a game I enjoyed when I was younger, especially if I can get my friend who showed it to me in the first place to get back into it!

See you around!

Hail & welcome! The Dark Rot is no big deal, honestly.... there's a storyline behind it. Unlike "the Game", here, it is a virtual world, and you get virtual diseases. :)

Read the roleplaying forum to get some info on the start of this dreaded disease. In the meantime, my guild has several alts around your level, and I'm sure they won't mind getting ickiness while grouping with you. :)

Good luck in the future, and hope to see you around! :toot:
Go to athica and speak to the healer, he can give you something that keeps your rot from spreading to others.
Already done, but thanks for the advice! Always good to see that someone who runs the game takes the time to read the forums, even the introductions/goodbyes sections.
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