

Dalayan Beginner
Hail and well met!

I just wanted to drop in and say hello. I stumbled across your site while surfing for general EQ stuff and thought it looked great! So, I'm hoping to set up SoD sometime this weekend.

See you in game soon! :cool:
Welcome to SoD! Feel free to browse thru the forum and wiki a bit when you get a chance so you won't be too surprised by what you see when you start playing hehe. Hope to see you around!
I've read through the wiki quite a bit now. I found the backstory and general concept to be very intriguing. This is actually more like what I envisioned the 'official' sequel to be like, silly me.

It also seems that this community is quite fond of role-playing, which was another plus for me. I've been reading lore and event logs. You guys have been busy! :keke:

I'm looking forward to joining in the fun. :cool:
As far as lore, community maturity, and fun goes, I have found no better game then SoD.

It's all in the eyes of the beholder, but I think SoD will simply blow you away once you really start getting into the lore and meeting the community.

Have fun!
Tsoletsu said:
I've read through the wiki quite a bit now. I found the backstory and general concept to be very intriguing. This is actually more like what I envisioned the 'official' sequel to be like, silly me.

It also seems that this community is quite fond of role-playing, which was another plus for me. I've been reading lore and event logs. You guys have been busy! :keke:

I'm looking forward to joining in the fun. :cool:

Welcome to Dalaya, I'm glad you found us!!
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