hello yall


Dalayan Beginner
im new i started 2 days ago as a bard im lvl 17 now and i got to say so far I love the server the only thing ive found annoying so far is that mithril weapons and armor are in short supply and i had to look high and low and around the corner to get one and I just reached 17 and I will have to find another one *sighs* when i get to a higher lvl i dont think gear will be as much of a problem but hello everyone =) i like the server so far the names phallon
Hey Phallon, yeah Mithril and Dalium as well are in sporadic restocks. Most smiths don't bother to sell much of it after they trivialize so they simply sell off thier remaining stock while skilling up on higher quality, higher level gear. Keep checking the listsold, use /auction from time to time, and don't be afraid to look up SoD Wiki to look for various weapons and armor you can loot yourself. Getting it pristine (self looted) also grants a 10% bonus to stats, including reduction in the delay of the weapon. (but not an increase in damage)

Hope you manage to find the gear your looking for, and that you manage to enjoy your time here. Just remember, always bring extra strings for your lute... You can only miss so many notes before you break a string. ^_^
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