Hello! (WoW player here)! From Toronto, Canada!


Dalayan Beginner
Hello hello, I am just downloading the Game Titanium back onto my computer, taking 24 hours as I'm doing it off a website, I used to play Game back when I was 11, had a 30 Druid, and now that im 16 I have a 70 Priest/70Warlock and a 70 Mage on World of Warcraft!, but it is far to much money now that I have a girlfriend and school re-started up again, so paying isn't much of an option, although if the server if I enjoy the server theres definitally nothing stopping me from donating!! I'm very excited to start Game, my first introduction to computers and video games,

I just have a few questions, Are the classes still basically the same? So druid still has SoW etc? or is it all different, Also are the zones the same, with just different lore? I remember there was a orc zone with Emperor D'vinn Just East of Kelethin, which would be cool to re-visit :p

Also, are there any classes that seem to be lacking on the server that would be a useful one to start? (I'm a Holy Priest on WoW so nothing bores me;P)

Extremely excited to start a new game, I find it boring knowing exactly which zone/area to level up in on WoW and gearing up my characters, just to have another expansion come out a year and a half from now, making my gear obsolete doesn't seem that thrilling, Can't wait to find friends and possible enemies in game! I unfortunetally won't have Elliott as a character name as an Iksar BST seems to have it, although Sufjan or Kieran are a defintite option!
Sup dude and welcome to SoD :keke: dont really have many answers for ya , just started on here a week ago myself so havent gotten to explore much yet . But classes are pretty much the same , just a few tweaks but the basics are still there . Also some zones have been changed check around the forums youll find some nice links with good info . btw if you ever need someone to group with toss me a tell :haw:

Arillios and Tyniee are my chars names
Cool,! I think I'm going to go Druid or ShadowKnight, Also, Can the different sides (Bad and Good) play alongside eachother? also is there any pvp? Sorry for stupid questions!
Elliott said:
Cool,! I think I'm going to go Druid or ShadowKnight, Also, Can the different sides (Bad and Good) play alongside eachother? also is there any pvp? Sorry for stupid questions!
No player is "good" or "evil" by default (unless you are a pally or SK), alignment comes with decessions. But anybody can play with everyone, no matter of alignment.

And PVP is totally optional & has sever balance issues.
Nwaij said:
No player is "good" or "evil" by default (unless you are a pally or SK), alignment comes with decessions. But anybody can play with everyone, no matter of alignment.

And PVP is totally optional & has sever balance issues.

Several balance issues? Such as?? The classes, if so which class is over powered?
Some classes can dish it out more but some people just complain because they don't think of ways to counter

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