Hello to all and a few quick questions


Dalayan Beginner
Hello All,

I was recently chatting with somebody about all the good memories we had from playing EQ1 and he recommended I check out SoD. I played EQ1 for several years, and raided most of them(Luclin through Darkhallow). I loved raiding in EQ1 so I was wondering what the raiding scene was here. I also really enjoyed tradeskilling from EQ1 and was curious if it was similar/along the same lines of how it was on Live. I really miss EQ1 and heard this place was the absolute best place to be for EverQuest action. I look forward to joining up with you all soon and getting into new adventures!

Yes, this is a great game that will look familiar. The majority of the content in the game is different from Live. Which in my opinion, is a good thing.

The devs are active, competent and do a great job of maintaining this free server. There is a good amount of raiding content and a number of active raiding guilds. Tradeskills are useful, profitable and create desirable items. I have more fun here than I ever did on Live.

I think you'll like it here.
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