Hello SoD


Dalayan Beginner
Hello I have been playing mmorpg's since EQ1 was about launch Luclin ( would have started sooner ) but I had dial up at my mom's.

I played a BST on The Nameless was top 1-3 magelo ranking anyways on it for a few years. I raided very hardcore from PoP - Deathknell ( cant remember the name of the xpac though ).

Anyways back to why I posted. I am planning to pick up playing on this server and decided as hard as it was to turn on my beloved bstlord class, that I was going to roll a Monk. I was thinking id roll a druid to go with him. Any thoughts?

I think snare/heals/ports and DS would go nicely.
Druid/Monk is one of the classic go-to combos here. You have enough DPS and healing to duo most things, and the monk can normally split pulls enough to make them feasible.

Also its a good start to putting a group together as all you really need is DPS (and possibly a tank depending where you are going).

Druid/Beastlord is also a pretty damned good combo, and makes up for the monk splitting and better tanking with slows and shammy buffs.

Either is perfectly doable! Welcome to the server.
Anything with a Druid is solid and Monk is a great choice. Though if you do try the Beastlord again here I hear boxing a Wizard with one is rediculosly good in mid-late game.

/friend Langdorn when u log in next

if you see me on shoot me a tell and I'll help ya out if ya need anything.

Whats ur toons' names?

For now just enjoy the new areas. Hail everyone, check wiki.shardsofdalaya.com if you come across some mysterious items. Do quests (here on SOD quests are VERY beneficial!).

The "bazaar" system here on SoD is a lot better as explained here. You can browse wares currently for sale @ www.shardsofdalaya.com/vendorlist.

There is no server that has more time and thought put into each quest, zone and encounter than here. Take the time to explore!
Anything with a Druid is solid and Monk is a great choice. Though if you do try the Beastlord again here I hear boxing a Wizard with one is rediculosly good in mid-late game.

Both good ideas. Wizards are OP.

Shm/Mnk is almost like just playing a Beastlord split into a box :) SHM are also a bit rarer than Druids, though any healer type is going to be welcome later on.
I haven't made them yet, just decided to play here and been busy today. While bst is my favorite class in any game, probably biased though lol. I am going monk, so its between a shaman or dru box. I am having a hard time deciding, buffs and slows or ports and snare ugh
Out of combat utility of druid is huge, in combat utility of shaman is slightly bigger. Really is a personal choice.
Slows make healing easier, but DS from Druid lets you kill faster. Combine with ports and other benefits and it evens out. Shaman buffs, are nice as well as their dots if not changed much from live. Look into their spell lists, and other wiki info, then decide once you know which route looks more fun.
I am pro shaman over druids.

Eventually (post 65 game), you can get enough gate clickies that between them and mop, druid ports are not really a big deal IMO. DL and Murk ports are the exceptions (but you can bind there...)

Shaman haste is pretty nice to have handy. I guess with town buff NPCs it is not that big of a deal anymore though. (Still haven't used them!)
I'm very familiar with both classes played both on live, druid was actually my first main until 33 or 34, then I rolled a bst because I wanted to solo, had no clue about kiting then. l I guess i'm just talking out loud because i'm torn internally and hoping one jumps out at me during it.
Hey, welcome to the server! I duo'ed a warrior/shm until about lvl 40 when my DPS just fell flat and then PL'ed a monk to catch up and duo'ed until level 65. There are days I love my shaman and days I hate him. With changes it's been really tough to group heal on a shaman and early on you have no options. I leveled both a druid and a cleric to 65 due to inferior healing abilities of the shaman. Although neither can heal as well as he can as he's geared pretty well. Just create the box you want to make and don't forget, there is no limit to accounts so just make a new one and start up a new class if you want.
/friend Langdorn when u log in next

You still play???
Hey, welcome to the server! I duo'ed a warrior/shm until about lvl 40 when my DPS just fell flat and then PL'ed a monk to catch up and duo'ed until level 65. There are days I love my shaman and days I hate him. With changes it's been really tough to group heal on a shaman and early on you have no options. I leveled both a druid and a cleric to 65 due to inferior healing abilities of the shaman. Although neither can heal as well as he can as he's geared pretty well. Just create the box you want to make and don't forget, there is no limit to accounts so just make a new one and start up a new class if you want.

You still play???

No, but occasionally I log in to grind plat. I'm trying to motivate new players to play by giving them crap armor ;)
Some differences between SoD and live in terms of shaman/druid:

-Shaman don't get group HoTs or group heals in SoD. (They get a torpor group hot towards end game, but I wouldn't count it. They also get a self torpor.) Once shaman get their raid level heal spell (relic) they are decent single target healers for raid patching and xp content. Shaman do the most DPS of the priest classes. Meleeing for dps is viable, as it was during kunark.

-Druids get group and single target HoTs in SoD. They get pets, and BEES!
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