Hello SoD!


Dalayan Beginner
Long time gamer, installing the software to play now, very excited to see Iksar and Ogres again!

One question: Is xp gain about the same rate as it was Ruins of Kunark/Scars of Velious? Or has it been adjusted to be more player friendly?

Also I hope to find some lower level players running around.
I like the changing of the zones, that's the biggest thing that attracted me to this as opposed to Project 1999. I want to try something new, not do Vox raids again.

Anyway, hope to see ya's!
Welcome to Shards of Dalaya! We hope you find this to be a new home!

Exp is definitely faster, but it's not necessarily easier. For someone that has adjusted to SoD (including how group exp bonuses work), it's faster. For someone that's still adjusting to SoD or is trying to solo, it can be rather slow.

Good news, though. Our Experience Debt system means you won't actually be losing exp or levels. You'll still be missing out on exp, though, so it's still inconvient, just not catastrophic.
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