Hello SoD


Dalayan Beginner
Hello to all SoD players. After playing World of Warcraft (getting a char to 60), I finally came to the conclusion that it sucked - because when you get 60, the fun ends. I've played Live EQ since the release of Kunark (Played on Luclin Server), reached level 70 with 300AA's (character name was Lyroc). I'm kinda getting new to this yet, after 2-4 days of playing. I am currently a low-level of 6 (both characters). I play 2 characters (Sk/shm duo). If 2boxing is not allowed, please let me know (couldn't find any rules/regulations based on this). With all the re-naming, I have no idea what zones are. Is there an easy way of going about and finding these "new" names to specific zones?

Welcome to the server. :)

To answer your question about two boxing see the rules tab on the front page of the website (linked and quoted a section from below).

9. Two children, and only two
No more than two clients are allowed to be played by the same person at the same time. Different computers or the same does not matter. You are allowed to dual-client/comp, you are just not allowed to tri-client/comp. So you can play a warrior and a cleric at the same time, but you cannot play a warrior, a cleric and a paladin at the same time. You may of course play a warrior, cleric and paladin and alternate between which two you play at the same time. It does not matter if you simply logged your enchanter in to buff the other two characters for a minute - you will be equally harshly punished as someone who played three characters for several hours. This rule is NOT ip-based. You are allowed to play more than two characters from a single IP/location, as long as these characters are being controlled by no less than one real person per two characters. We have ways of determining if there is a single person playing three characters at once (against the rules) or a married couple playing two characters at once each (not against the rules), for example.
Welcome to Dalaya! have fun finding your way around and exploring all the differences. Sounds like you picked a fun duo :dance:
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