Hello Shards of Dalaya


Dalayan Beginner
Hello All,

I just started here as a Human Monk named Burgerbill, and I am loving it so far. I started playing EQ back when Luclin first got released and then stopped for a long time and came back a few years ago to EQMac (it went up to PoP) and then that got shut down and I went to Project 1999. I got sick of Project 1999 as I wanted to be able to get AA's and get better graphics, and live was not an option. Also, most other servers I found had people boxing 3 - 6 characters at once and that got annoying. I play just 1 character and hopefully some others here do as well. I found out about SoD, and it seems like a great fit. It's been great so far and I am looking forward to seeing you all in game!
Welcome to the server! Don't forget to read up on the differences between SoD and live. There is some very useful information found in that section of the wiki. Specifically, one of the things you can start using right away is the style system. "/s help" in game. You will be using "/s 2" quite a bit. Also monk combos will start to be a thing for you soon. They are also on the wiki.

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Hello All,

I just started here as a Human Monk named Burgerbill, and I am loving it so far. I started playing EQ back when Luclin first got released and then stopped for a long time and came back a few years ago to EQMac (it went up to PoP) and then that got shut down and I went to Project 1999. I got sick of Project 1999 as I wanted to be able to get AA's and get better graphics, and live was not an option. Also, most other servers I found had people boxing 3 - 6 characters at once and that got annoying. I play just 1 character and hopefully some others here do as well. I found out about SoD, and it seems like a great fit. It's been great so far and I am looking forward to seeing you all in game!

what guild you claim on p99 dawg?
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