Hello! Newbie here!


Dalayan Beginner
Hey all. I used to play EQ 1 back when I was like.. 10 and never got higher than a lvl 12 ranger.. sooo.. Im still a REALLY big nub. Im really excited to play again and I was wondering if theres a newbie type guild that someone can direct me to for all my questions and help me along? Itd be really appreciated! Cant wait till the patchers done! :D
Welcome to Shards of Dalaya.

Here you start in the newbie guild automatically. Yay! Ask all the questions you want in /gu and they'd better help you or else!

(or else you have to wait and ask again later, cause that's how the cookie crumbles, man)

Also, because I am me, I am contractually obligated to suggest you consider checking out our wiki.
Hey all. I used to play EQ 1 back when I was like.. 10 and never got higher than a lvl 12 ranger.. sooo.. Im still a REALLY big nub. Im really excited to play again and I was wondering if theres a newbie type guild that someone can direct me to for all my questions and help me along? Itd be really appreciated! Cant wait till the patchers done! :D

That is essentially the experience I had, except it was a level 12 mage for me!

exciting things to check out:
http://wiki.shardsofdalaya.com/index.php/Adepts (NOTE: need to make an account for the SoDwiki)
interesting things with the adepts, and the newbie guild is VERY helpful.

Just.. i forgot how grindy EQ was lol. But thats fine. Still fun.
interesting things with the adepts, and the newbie guild is VERY helpful.

Just.. i forgot how grindy EQ was lol. But thats fine. Still fun.

as long as you don't try and race to 65, it's not that bad. I personally enjoy doing all the quests and adepts that I can on my characters
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