hello, new to SoD and EQ completely!

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Dalayan Beginner
hey everyone.. im looking forward to joining SoD! i never played everquest before but im pretty familiar with it after seeing friends play it. i thought about playing it a few times back then but never had the time. if there is any tips people can give ill much appreciate!

i played ultima online at lake superior shard since 1998 but quit when they added the whole samurai empire expansion. i then started playing free servers but the community was too much for me. everywhere you go there was a trash talker ruining it for you.
Re: hello, new to SoD and Game completely!

Best advice I have for you is to research the classes as much as possible so you can pick one you would really like to see thru to the end as your first char and main char. Trust me, making a lot of alts and playing across all of them is no way to get to 65. :dumb:

On live I kept splitting time between 6 different charectors and it took me FOREVER to get up to level 60 on my Warrior, and with all the time I wasted he wound up being really undergeard by then and never got groups lol.

At least here you won't have to worry about that from what I can see, although splitting off into alts too soon will still hinder your progression.
Re: hello, new to SoD and Game completely!

rules rules rules! :D
read the rules and you should be good to go :keke:

welcome to SoD! : 3
Re: hello, new to SoD and Game completely!

thanks for the tips guys..

you dont have to worry about me though as i always read rules before doing anything.
Re: hello, new to SoD and Game completely!

Have you given any thought to what class you want to invest your time into? I know live I played a Warrior but learned that Shadowknights can make as good or better tanks and are more fun for me so I'm maining as a Shadowknight now hehe.

BTW, Necro is a great Solo class that levels quickly and isn't too overly hard to play.

Check out the Classes post on SoDWiki to really get a feel for what each class has to offer, and look elsewhere within the Wiki or these forums for furthre knowledge. :keke:
Re: hello, new to SoD and Game completely!

yeah i believe im going to go for a simple warrior or maybe a ranger for now. but as i get experienced i will try other classes. but if necro is easier to play than warrior i might make that decision. but as of now im trying to figure out what race to choose. human preferably.
Re: hello, new to SoD and Game completely!

Necro is easier as far as being able to solo well alone. But the manner in which you kill isn't that easy to master. The spells you need to use will take time to learn the order that works, basically you want to be kiting, reverse kiting with fear, or simply letting your pet tank while you hit it with dot's. If none of that made sense, don't worry. Takes a little time to learn whats going on.

Warrior is a great choice for a first charector btw. They don't start to get tricky until later on in the game when you need to manage agro from more mobs at once. And if you go with Human, you will level up faster and raise your skills faster, which is also good for first getting started in the game.

However, you won't see in the dark very well, but this can be fixed by changing monitor resolution or thru items. Also, since yo uare the middle ground of all races, you excel at nothing stat wise, but eventually you can fix this with gear.

IMO Barbarian Warriors are awesome, but a lot of people will like Ogre or Iksar I bet hehe.
Re: hello, new to SoD and Game completely!

ah i see.. so i guess i will choose warrior for now.

as for human, what do you think about trolls? i heard trolls are a little more powerful than ogres.

im thinking about joining the game later tonight.
Re: hello, new to SoD and Game completely!

Trolls are a large race and have a little less regen then the Iksar, but I personally never liked them lol. They do make fine warriors if you find them interesting though. However if you take a look at the link to Wiki I put up, you will see that they have both good and bad sides to them.

-25% Duration to Fear targeting the player
-25% Duration to Stun targeting the player
-2.5% Experience Rate
-10% Skill Learning Rate [Does not affect tradeskills]

You won't be under stun or fear for very long, but skills take a good bit longer and exp rate is lessened. BTW, Ogres trade the exp and skill learning peneltys for faste consumption rate of food and drink, but cannot regen like the Troll and Iksar.

My favorite for warrior, Barbarian has the same -25% to fear and stun, and keeps slam, with no penalty other then being as blind as the Humans.

In the end though these racial differences don't really make a drastic difference to your class, so whatever you feel comfortable playing as will do just fine. Even a Gnome can be an efective Warrior, as long as choose a race you like you will be able to have fun and get your job done. :keke:
Re: hello, new to SoD and Game completely!

If you're looking to make the "best" character you can, there's really no choice other than iksar.

That said I have 2 alt warriors, one's a troll and one's a dwarf.
Re: hello, new to SoD and Game completely!

well i finally made my decision and thats a barbarian warrior. i was thinking of choosing iksar but i guess not. if i make another warrior he will be iksar next time. but for now im sticking to my current one. i made it to level 4 so far and i love it. it reminds me of a 3d version of uo. one thing though i cant seem to figure out how to check what quests i have.. i tried Alt-J, but nothing is listed there and tried cm journal and it said i have 4 active quests and thats all it says. other than that i kind of got the hang of it so far.
Re: hello, new to SoD and Game completely!

Welcome to SoD. You might want to check out the tech support forums about that sound issue. I know it was recently discussed and quite possibly added to a sticky. Either way the search function might help bring the thread up for you. :)

edit: found it
Re: hello, new to SoD and Game completely!

thanks that worked.. but still trying to figure out how to view what quests are currently active and how to complete them. im sure ill figure it out eventually.

also, wasn't i supposed to spawn in new port? the starting city i started in was everfrost. should i delete my current character since he's only level 4 and go ahead and make a iksar?
Re: hello, new to SoD and Game completely!

Type /cm journal help to learn how to use your journal. Different classes/races start in different towns and most of which is different than live. An Iksar would actually spawn in Grobb if I remember correctly (never played one :blush: ). A human warrior would have started in Newport. As for deleting and starting over, that is up to you. The first levels go pretty fast. It depends really on why you want to start in Newport vs some other town.
Re: hello, new to SoD and Game completely!

JayelleNephilim said:
Type /cm journal help to learn how to use your journal. Different classes/races start in different towns and most of which is different than live. An Iksar would actually spawn in Grobb if I remember correctly (never played one :blush: ). A human warrior would have started in Newport. As for deleting and starting over, that is up to you. The first levels go pretty fast. It depends really on why you want to start in Newport vs some other town.

thanks.. i did try cm journal last night and it didnt give me any information other than how many quest are active, inactive, other...

i been reading alot lately and heard a recommended place for new players is newport. i thought iksars spawned in newport also but maybe not. i guess i should keep the current player. it's getting pretty hard gaining XP now at level 4 around the everfrost places (ogres, wooly spiders, other creatures) dont give much XP. i explored today and found new creatures around the wizard teleport but i dont think i should mess with them as when right clicked i get the message "what would you want your tombstone to say".
Re: hello, new to SoD and Game completely!

Make sure you dlwonload the map pack, you can follow it to get to Blackburrow > Centaur Hills > Newport. Remember when trying this that yo ucan use /cm bind to reset your respawn point to help you progress further if you die along the way from a treacherous route.

However, if you want to let starting city of Newport control your racial decision than I think it's Human and Half-Elf only that start there, though I havn't checked what others can show up there. Wiki doesn't seem to show either. Dwarves might though Underhill could be a viable option too.

At any rate, don't be afraid to test out other races and racial areas, you never know what you might wind up liking. :keke:
Re: hello, new to SoD and Game completely!

thanks again, i will download the map pack later..
Re: hello, new to SoD and Game completely!

"/cm journal" just shows you your journal entries - in order to find out how to use it you need to type "/cm journal help" (no quotes). Another helpful hint - ask a lot of questions in Dalaya's Beginners using /gu <message>. This is your starting guild and most people there will be very helpful. You do not need to stay in DB (Dalaya's Beginners) but it is very helpful and quicker than referencing the wiki all the time. Speaking of the wiki, it is fairly extensive - which you have already discovered if you have spent any time looking at it - and it is "mostly" accurate. You can also ask questions in /OOC (out of character) chat but be prepared to be told to check the wiki ;).

Above all - HAVE FUN!


Re: hello, new to SoD and Game completely!

wow thanks that was a very helpful post.. i will check everything out soon. but i do have one last question..

on the map it says that there are two merchants in everfrost. you can get to one but he only sells tobacco. when you try to reach the second merchant (there is another door inside the shop which says theres a merchant behind it) you suddenly die. whats wrong?
A grandmaster thief is behind that door and doesnt like non thieves, heh, thats from the original game not SoD.
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