Hello, new member here.


Dalayan Beginner
Well, after a few years of not playing EQ, I'm being drawn back to it because WoW is boring me. My friend found this and this Sunday we'll both be on playing. I just have a few questions.

How many people are usually on?
How hard is it to find people to group with?
Is HoH still ingame?

Thanks. I hope to see you all in game.

One thing I forgot to ask: What classes seem to be lacking, that may be in need of? I was leaning towards Druid, but I've always been known to play whatever is most needed.

Also, I'll be playing quite a bit, when I'm not working. Catch me ingame, my name will be Clorakth.
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How many people are usually on? Depends on Time Zone. usually at US peak hours 300-450
How hard is it to find people to group with? Once again depends on time zone. Usually not bad if you want to group unless you are playing at odd hours on the week days
Is HoH still ingame? Yes. Its a Raid zone named Plane of Valor

As for classes that are lacking cleric/druid are almost always desired by raiding guilds. The one of dps classes seem to be also, because a lot of the time you only need one. Then when you don't have one it seems no one else does either (necro/magician/ranger)
Thanks a lot, Thade. 300-450 is an overwhelming amount. I can't wait to get started.

My timezone is Eastern by the way, so normally I play during US peak hours... I'm on a lot, though.

I'll probably stick with my Druid and dual box some random DPS class.
Druid is a pretty good choice. They offer a lot of utility in addition to good heals. I would not forget rogue in classes in short supply. They are also hard to level up without groups, but definitely a nice addition to most groups.
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