Hello, New in SoD with a question


Dalayan Beginner
hello all, say i am new to SoD but say i have already played in the Solusek Ro server, which then change there played with a cleric to up to 65, but I think in this server what I want discover a different type of character.

Also I have a question, I read it from donations, and let me know, if you have to make monthly donations or you can make a donation eg $ 40 or $ 50 dollars and lasts 2-4 months, I mean not having to enter monthly.

Thank you all and see you in game.
Welcome to SoD!

Donations are not required to play SoD, but running the servers is not free by any means. You can check out the methods of donating on the wiki, here.

You will learn that SoD is quite different from live. I suggest that you read this page on the wiki to get acquainted with some of the differences, and also have a look around the rest of the wiki. It is an invaluable source of information.

You start off in a guild called Dalaya's Beginners. You can ask any kinds of questions you like there.

Have fun!
Of course, donations are not required (they wouldn't be donations otherwise).

If you do choose to donate and would not like to set up a recurring monthly thing, then a one-time donation is just as good! You'll still need to go through the same process to formally request your account donator flags, but we'll still flag you for the appropriate amount of time. You can trust my math.

Oh, and welcome to SoD!
you can have as many accounts as you want, but only two characters logged in at a time. Also, only two accounts are flagged for donation.
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