Hello, My name is Asante213


Dalayan Beginner
Status:Always Online
Talents(PC-Wise)-I can code C++, currently working on being a ~Great~ Pixel-Artist!
Talents-Play the drums, and guitar
Interest-Creating games ^_^
Occupation-Im getting paid $25 a hour to program this game, I work about 10 hours a day(No, overtimes)
Relationship-Nope ;]
Other Games-Endless-Online(EO), The Forbidden Gates(TFG), World Of Warcraft(WoW)
Questions And Answer
Q:Have you ever made a game before?
A:Yes, I actually coded a several 2d based games
Q:Are you good at other things besides C++?
A:I am actually good at writing story lined bases, that take up to 5-10 pages.
Q:Do you play Shards Of Dalaya, EQ Server & are you new?
A:Yes, I am new to EQ(The whole game(Non private server))& Yes, I just started playing Shards Of Dalaya!

Is there a questionnaire somewhere I missed? I dont recall anyone else filling it out. Shame on everyone else for skipping the questionnaire.
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