Hello, Kinga here....


Dalayan Beginner
Hello all. New to the forums, not so new to the server...although I did take a year hiatus. Played "the game" for many years with my hubby, so now we both play here.
Played warriors all the time, so I am expanding to magic users, etc. This is quite a different playing field, I will say.
Right now my main is a cleric named Hoquet, and my pally Kikyo, and a up and coming druid.
A friend moved us over to here from 'the game' and we have enjoyed the smaller playing crowds. Plus I don't have to worry so much about the creeps that were hitting on me and some of them were just plain scary.
I am also hoping that the bigotry is nixed a lot quicker than the other world as well...it got a little sad after a while. Especially when you consider all the diversity that the game has to offer, and some people still brought in their hatred. So sad.
I look forward to making friends with all of you.
If Tineran reads this, hiya luv!!!!

Regards to all,
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