Hello, just starting


Dalayan Beginner
Hey! I've played EQ sparingly, but interest is drawing me in to give it a try. I've heard good things about this server. Haven't made my game account yet, but I should be playing it tomorrow. edit...trying to make my account but on the final step it is saying "creating sod login account failed" or something similar to that. Hopefully I'll be in by the end of the day =)
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How many low level players are around really depends on time of day, and if there are a lot of new players, or people working on alts running around. Usually you can find a few people to group up with in the levels easily, although you may need to do a / all 1 10 or whatever level range you happen to be in at the time and send a /tell to get a group formed.

Other then that, remember that /ooc is global here, you can use it to advertise that you are LFG and can generally find people interested that way as well.

How long you need to solo really depends on who happens to be on at the time, if you see the server population is between 100-200+ there will be a better chance of seeing someone in your level range, if it's a bit early and the population is around 70 or less, odds you struggle to find people in your range, but there is always a chance a few of them are starting out new characters as well.
You will solo levels 1-5, and there really is no reason not to. Getting to level 6 is not hard at all.

Level 6-10 you may or may not find a group, but it is not much harder than level 1-5.

But once you hit level 10 there are groups to be found. Harder at some times than others. If, for example, there are 7 people in your level ranger and the 6 of them are grouping, you are pretty much SOL. But chances are that if you will try to get a group, you can form a group as the leader.

Welcome to the server.
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