Hello + initial questions


Dalayan Beginner
Hello everyone. Found out about this server a while ago but was to stubborn to try it, couldn't find my platinum disks anywhere... so having to torrent the client... but I do own two copies so I'm not really pirating :).

A few questions...
What classes are in demand generally?

Tanking... my favorite hobby, and one that I'm quite good at... few people are willing to try a new tank in raid situations, knowing full well my competency in the role what is the likely hood that I could get reasonable playtime on a tank class, or is it going to be a situation where I'm going to be at the bottom of the depth charts for 7 years? (hope that makes sense)

How many people are on at say 7pm on Thursday night or some other random time?

Is ice cream better with milk, cookies, or brownies?
Need to be more specific on in demand..
as far as raiding guilds there seems to usually be a shortage of
GOOD Necros/Mages/Rangers (these are few and far between)

As far as XP groups go?
Melee dps

As far as tanking goes, you will have no problem finding xp groups till 65. At 65 it'll be hard because it takes a lot of work/aa's/gear to tank. Warriors generally have the hardest time from what i've seen because having an extra warrior around doesn't really help all that much, but having an extra pally around tends to mean you have an tank for a high power xp group if they are geared decently.

About 400 players on any given night, sometimes nearly 500.

And milk.
Hot brownies + Ice Cream!

The max population i think was around 500 or 600. They are usually around 200-300 people, at lower time (6am monday est time) there are like 50 crazy people (ok, lets call them euros)
There are mainly high level chars, because it is faster than Live was (not easier!) so you will have no problem hitting there.

Well, the problem right now is that all the main guilds have already a tank, bot or not, and are hardly willing to try new people, or even recruting another tank, just because they already have a tank even if someone have to bot it. The good thing is that pallys and sk's have a good role as auxiliar tank or 2n tank. Attention: this was all about raid. Groups are often looking for a good tank.

Demand generally? Healers and dps, mainly clerics and wizards. (try looking on the guild recruting forum, you can get a few tips over there)

My suggestion? Play what you like at most. And the good thing about SoD is that you can dual box, so its really helpfull at start.
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