Hello hello!


Dalayan Beginner
I've been lurking around on Shards for the past week creating various level 1-3 characters and re-living my killing of moss snakes ect over and over. I've decided to start out playing a single character (Iks shaman) for the time being. I figure I'm in no rush to plow through levels and see if there are interesting stories/quest hidden that I can play around with. Meet people though leveling ect. maybe in the future I'll bring out a second guy to box around with.

As far as my time long ago on live. I played on the Rodcet Knife server as two different characters. One as Feiel (Human monk) and one as Sprinkel (Gnome wizard). I actually remember running around with Reptak long ago and having him emailing me his PoHate pull orders and then continuing my work as a puller in my days. I also spent some time on the Sullen Zek server (then changed to zek) as an Iks monk named Pauli.

Glad to be apart of your group and I look forward to meeting you all in game!

Well hello there my fellow Rodcet Alumni! I played a DE cleric named Rezen on Rodcet for many years, and I'm fairly certain I remember your wizard.

Either way, welcome to SoD!
Yeah... I do remember the Rezen character. If you had not said you were a Dark elf or a Dwarf. What guild were you apart of? In my early days from 1-50ish I was apart of the Dark Empire, small group of people ect for leveling. I then had taken part of some other guilds starting and falling and then ended up in Arcane Legacy (at this time they were allied with some other big time guild... forget who when I think back on it) That alliance was strong for awhile until luclin until we lost our healers and raids obviously got harder.

Later on once I playing my wizard I was apart of Fires of Time for a short period and then ended up Dol Amroth (followed some old Arcane Legacy people there).
I remember you from Dol Amroth! I was one of the main clerics for Echoes In Eternity =)
Ahh the link has been made! Yeah I followed a few over to Dol when the alliance broke up. Grimdar and I were good friends and Bumtil ect... The alliance is still actually going strong from what I hear. Smashing things up on the Quellious server now.
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