Hello, From the Cazic-Thule server!


Dalayan Beginner
I haven't played EQ in... Forever.

But I was fairly well known on the Cazic-Thule Server.

I played a Level 56 Cleric, Halfling, Named Laktar Breadburner.
Whom I am going to re-create here.

I was in a guild named "Clan Thunderhammer", which is the only reason why I played for as long as I did. Very good guild. I quit after it died, everyone left for some 70+ Guild. I forgot the name...

Well, I guess I am here to stay. If I get addicted again, that is.
I've also brought two friends, Yinumtil Clearmind, An Enchanter, and Arish, The Rogue.
Whom are, Ironicly, Logged onto the server right now, as I still have 3 hours of patching left to do.

Oh well.
The server seems interesting enough, as it seems to be an entire different game. :D

Well, I hope to be welcomed on the server.
Welcome to the server.

Used to also play on Cazic from pre-kunark to just before luclin. Syafis L'Fiero, level 56 mage before he got sold to a Cohort Chalybeus dude (perhaps spelled that wrong).

Tis a good server...Have fun!

Anakris 34 SK
welcome to SoD. may the god of SoD grant that you never burn the bread again. heheh a old cleric pun from ginnol the cleric in live. but humbal your know. hason the warrior. :D
welcome to SoD. may the god of SoD grant that you never burn the bread again. heheh a old cleric pun from ginnol the cleric in live. but humbal your know. hason the warrior. :D

You'd be suprised at how many people don't get the joke. =/
Moterola said:
If I get addicted again, that is.

lmao You know it's gonna happen. Welcome to SoD :D There's enough old school feel to draw you in and more then enough original content to keep ya around looking for and anticipating more.
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