Hello from Seven Years Ago


Dalayan Beginner
Good Afternoon.

I tried to resist. I really did. But the draw of my first MMO (1999) is just too strong.

My first character, a barbarian shaman, had this name on the Quellious server.

Two years later, I returned to the game with a barbarian beastlord on Brell. His name was Khapheen.

Predictable? Perhaps.

What can I say? Halas is like a second home.
Hehehe, I know the feeling. I came back, went Dwarf.... but then discovered that Kaladim is just a wee bit different here. Left a body there, and I will go back some day.

Welcome to SoD =) There is much new and original content here, so stay aware of your surroundings when exploring =)
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