Hello from Georgia


Dalayan Beginner
Hi all, let me start out by saying that I am brand new to this game. At a friend's urging, I am going to finally take the leap and play SoD. My friend has described it as "everything that World of Warcraft wished it was". I hope to make many new friends and enjoy many hours of play here.
Western Hemisphere it is!

I guess that I should have said "ya'll" or something in there, eh?

The proper use of "y'all" does, indeed, help us to identify our fellows not from a former SSR.

I say we band together with some Nova Scotians and get a raid force together that starts before 9 and finishes at a decent hour.
Not that being from Georgia is something to brag about. Being a Georgia resident, I should know. Welcome to SoD. Where in Georgia are you, Atlanta or REAL Georgia?
Atlanta is real Georgia.

Granted, on my dad's side I am first generation born, but my mom's side came over on the prison ships.
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