Hello (from france) and Farewell...yeah...



Hello all,

I am 27 years old...and actually...still studying...yeah...soft medecine is...long...

in fact to say the truth i was looking for a free mmorpg...to test on my laptop...which is not purposed to play on it.
I have no more big computers...with big graphic cards...from my gamer past...but Game...as long as i remember
was not as heavy as Game 2 in 3D...so i think i can try ! the most heavy game i managed to install was morrowind...
and it was working at 25-30fps in 1280x800...

Actually i have taken the patcher.exe on the Company website and...patching...5 hours remaining...

So if i do manage to install the Game on my work laptop...i am intending to create a cleric...
healing, protecting...and healing will be sufficient for me to have fun :)

at least it's easier to heal people on the Game than in the RL... :D

i am not intending to create something else than a healer...i just want to see Red Hp bars... :rolleyes:

I have found your public Game server on a french forum, where all Game free servers were displayed and
some guy was talking very good of your server, i myself took some time to read the rules...and i
would be glad to discover a new customized world of Game.
Re: Hello (from france)

I can't speak for class specific experiances, however since you intend on creating a cleric as your main toon there should be plenty of demand for your skills(afer all, everybody wants a dedicated healer ye?). Just try to understand that the community here will do everything possible to help you enjoy your time here, well so long as you remain friendly that is. Just try to understand that this isn't the old Game cloned to a free service but instead takes what they've given us and remixed it into something freash and new, with enough as it was(newport to halas runs are, so I've heard, the same as qeyenos-halas runs are for example) Mind you I've personally been out of the loop for close to eight months, but all in all I'd say this place'll have you losing out to MMO addiction for quite some time.
Re: Hello (from france)

It worked ! :)

Name is Altarockst (i wanted to take Altarock...but...seemed this name was not accepted)

I am a high elve cleric 9th, and all is working well so far ! that's great ! :dance:
Re: Hello (from france)

welcome to SoD. may the gods smile upon you and guild you. your elder sister Vlana the high elf cleric wife of hason the warrior. :dance: :dance:
Re: Hello (from france)

Welcome to SoD Altarockst, Glad to hear that it's running on your computer and you've moving along well with your character already =)
Re: Hello (from france)

Hey there ! I'm from France too (Paris représente !) so if you need anything don't hesitate.
Re: Hello (from france) and Farewell ! :)

Well title edited...

Sorry have to go...no explications needed i thtink :) it's just life.

Thanks for all, for this free server, for the amazing work done on this original world, for the fun you gave me...

my account login is TontonX, inside altarockst cleric 44 and berlioz beastlord 34, actually in Eastern Badlands...

i deleted all the everquest directory on my laptop...so...

i had good contacts with 2 guys of revelation, luas and alkesh...if it's possible...to transfer my chars on their accounts
if they want them...and if it's possible of course...

Well...Ciao ciao ! (from paris)
Re: Hello (from france) and Farewell ! :)

tontonx said:
.to transfer my chars on their accounts
if they want them...and if it's possible of course...

Well...Ciao ciao ! (from paris)

It's not. Bye.
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