Hello from an old Karana Player


Dalayan Beginner
Hi all. I found out about this emulation yesterday when my old time EQ buddy IMed me a link saying that he was playing EQ again, but on a "special server". I went on to read just about every thing I could on the main page and became excited with the idea of a whole new adventure. No worries, I indeed read the rules, first in fact. I created a character last night and played until about 4 am :D My toon's name is the same as my Karana character. In fact they are exactly the same; Jordanheaton, High Elf, Magician. I look forward to playing this fantastic role playing game with all you fellow players.

It may also be mentioned that I am a modder for the Elder Scrolls series of games, and thus I have experience in world building among other talents that may prove useful? I can 3d model (Very well and very effeciently IMO) with high quality and low poly for higher framerates. I am accomplished with the modding of Oblivion and Morrowind, but I suppose most of it proves mote here. Non-the-less, I am still eager to try my hand at donating some of my skill if accepted.

Thank You team for making it possible to play an alternative to the game.
:eek: I guess we just have different tastes in RPGs. I'm an old PnP D&D player. I enjoy unlimited options and patience. I never really got that from any FF past FFVII. FFI for NES was sweet though.
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