Hello From an Old EQ Player


Dalayan Adventurer
Hello Everyone,

I have been dreaming about EQ for several months now, I haven't played for about 3 years. I am glad to have found this game and plan to donate to help support the cause.

I am patching my client now, hope to see everyone in game soon.
I am trying to get 3 of my friends together and all of us group together. But I have tried to navigate level 1's to each other but it is very difficult. Is there any self teleportation system or anything in game?

Does anyone suggest a good 4 person race/class combo that we could easily do and get together?
monk, sham, pal or war, dru or cler

If you want a challenge, you should do Rogue Monk Bard Cleric with bard tank =p

You guys should all twobox, you'll easily take out the adepts (lesser ones anyway)
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Hi, have a look on the wiki for information about travel, and be sure to check out the Mansion of Portals.

Effective groups here are similar to what you might remember; there are probably many posts on the subject if you do a search through other sections of this forum.
Diety Questions

Thanks for the info, shortly after I found the Portals. And 2 guys dropped off so I am 2 boxing a mage and cleric, and other friend is boxing SK and Rog.

I have a question about Dieties though. I have tried to search for Diety recommendations but it all seems pretty random and I dont quite understand when you can choose a Diety, what the benefits are for each one, what is recommended for the classes we have, and what to stay away from.

Any info would be great, thanks.
rogue = enthann
sk = marlow (forcefully assigned)
cleric = althuna
mag = w/e you don't feel like raiding. Just don't go Tarhyl
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