Hello Everyone


Dalayan Beginner
Just finished signing up recently and was able to log into game last night. This is the first time here, and so far so good. I played EQ for many years, from OoW launch until a year ago. Am anxiously awaiting getting into the game and experiencing the differences.

Some questions... has the server been down today? I'm asking because I tried to log in during some spare time here at school, and I'm wondering if the school is blocking me (which is probably the case). Is there a specific time for the server to be running? or is it usually up all the time?

Hope to finish the dream tonight and get out into the world! See you all there!

Character is named Tvarian (HEF Pally)
The server is up all the time. It is occasionally down for patching @ 2 am west coast time. You can run a pathping to the server. if you get a line that looks like


that means the stream is being dropped either because of filtering or load.
Its up all the time except during patches obv (patch status is kept current in the official IRC channel topic) and today wasn't a patch day. Might have been your school blocking things, they do that sort of thing. Hopefully someone will be able to help you connect somehow! In the meantime, you might want to check out the differences between sod and live article on our wiki, might give you a taste of it. Hope you find a way in!

Edit: Oh lookit that. Hi Vell. I knew you'd be the helpful helper if anyone could help. <3 Vell keeps explaining how to do the pathping thing, so for easy reference on wtf he is talking about click this.
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Thanks, I was going to back paste that then got distracted at work. Its just a tracert with statistics.
But the statistics can tell you if a router is dropping packets en route, while tracert may only show
you a higher path time through the router. Slow and dropping packets is different from just slow.
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Yeah, being dropped here at the school.

I did get on last night from home, re-experienced how to lay down due to a few mobs. I like how the XP debt works. I may have lag issues from home though since I'm going through satellite internet. The lag jumps all over the place. Went LD a couple of times after being able to play for about 10 minutes.

Might have to take some "study" (play) time at the library...
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