Hi and welcome.
You can look for info on the
Wiki. A vah bst will be fine. You can have two separate accounts logged in at the same time, but no more. consider a priest class to go with you bst. As an aside. bst h2h is really good, ie bag any rusty I just started weapon. mithril tradeskill weapons are really good for starting out as well and not expensive. many many things sell to tradeskillers, so consider making a third mule account to send droppables to for sale. you can only have two accounts logged in at the same time. think of it as, you can box for convenience, since some times may have few players in your level band, but no private armies.
You will start in Tipt, called mountain crags of tarhyl here. Its a magnificent starting zone, but unfortunately out of the way for lore reasons and will probably be empty. Most players run to North Newport (Qeynos) for leveling. There is a zone connection map on the wiki. You can pretty much bind anywhere at will in the old world.
The movement system here is the Mansion of Portals, but not every town has one, example Tipt. You will have to go to Oggok or Sadri Malath. The MoP is a big game of avoidance. Basically, avoid wisps and Akhevans (sound advice for end game as well ). The translocator portals will be shown on the map. If you arent careful you can die in there but there is no de-leveling just a small penalty you can pay off at a healer or just grind through.
You will start out in Dalaya's Beginners. its the starter guild. You should ask where to go for various levels. The connections of most of the early zones will be familiar but changes up as you progress.