Hello Everyone.


Dalayan Beginner
Hi there!

Just wanted to introduce myself. I used to play EQ Classic as Calanctus on the Solusek Ro server. I am almost embarrassed to admit that I played from the beginning all the way up to near the end of 2005 before retiring. I'm not exactly sure why I'm looking into this again. Perhaps its nostalgia, or an interest in looking up old friends, or an interest in hanging out with new friends who share a common memory or all of the above. At any rate, hope to meet you all in game.


Welcome aboard !

I'm not exactly sure why I'm looking into this again.
The addiction here is pretty heavy. Community is great, and the crazy stability of the server makes it hard to do something useful outside of SoD (there's like what one downtime every two weeks max, except patch crisis or hardware problems). And starting from scratch, you'll have to catch up on a few dozen quests :p

You'll love it.
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