Hello Everyone!


Dalayan Beginner
Chances of anyone remembering me are slim, but I'm a returning member here from years back!

I was a regular almost 3 years ago, even though I was never a chatty person. I have memories and regrets from here, the regrets mainly being that I was unable to see through the quests I designed into the implementation stage. Hopefully at some point I'll be able to do that.

Until then I want to get to know people again, and catch up on all the changes I've missed! If anyone has any questions for me I'll be happy to answer, I plan to make some more detailed posts about myself in the near future (eating atm has me distracted lol) So please leave any comments of questions =D

~~ Arik (DarkAce)
I created my first toon in August 2006 so I don't remember you. But welcome back anyways. :)

Thank You =) Believe I saw you earlier in passing in S Wastes ^.^

For more info about myself, I'm getting closer to 30 then I'd like to be, been married for almost 5 years, been trying to get my wife to at least be interested in mmorpgs for even longer. Dabbled around various computer science majors at school until I finally found how interested I am in multimedia (videography to be specific.)

During the past couple years I've played various other games, mostly WoW tho, mostly due to my interest in Machinima (I've made a few machinima movies which I'll gives links to if anyone is interested) I also enjoy creating various storylines and quests, at times in the past with other games I've ran player based quests, and might do so again here. (I was also a Quest Designer here for a short while, made a few quests, and a chain quest for gnome cleric newbie armor, but never finished the implementation of them >.<)
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