Hello everyone!


Dalayan Beginner
Hi SoD people!

I have been in a drought season concerning MMOs and the only relief I've had since I left EQ back in the day was here at SoD. However, I always end up quitting for one reason or another. I'm currently developing another MMO, but that hasn't gone into a full force production yet, so I need something to keep me entertained.

WoW is boring, so are all the other MMOs I've tried.

Before I sign up and come on back, I have some questions:

1) How is the population? It seems every time I come back, it has always hovered around 300 people. Has it gone up? Down?

2) Is the server still VERY top heavy?

3) How is the economy?

4) Player base still mature? ;)

Thats all I have for now.

Thanks and blessings,
JoeMeyer said:
1) How is the population? It seems every time I come back, it has always hovered around 300 people. Has it gone up? Down?
2) Is the server still VERY top heavy?
3) How is the economy?
4) Player base still mature? ;)

1.) Population peaks at about 450 these days but I rarely see fewer than 100 on at a time anymore, even at extremely odd hours.

2.) pretty much

3.) In an uproar atm, a major change regarding items just went live last week. Droppable items now become no drop when you equip them.

4.) not so much
Ignore tyrone.

1) Ok, he's right about this one.
2) I'd say roughly a quarter of the population at any given time is level 65%. Getting a group is still very difficult, but creating your own is really easy.
3) The economy is adjusting. Recent changes will make new and ambitious characters stronger, and soon when people get over the fact that every purchase doesn't increase their net worth, item sales will return to normal. Anyone with foresight and an open mind will realize this made the game a lot more interesting.
4) It depends on who you associate with. There is a large enough player base and enough variety that whatever your preference (mature, immature, lewd, "hardcore", role play), it is here.
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