Hello Everyone :)


Dalayan Beginner
Just wanted to say hello to you all.

The concept behind this server really interests me and I'm pretty excited to see the differences from what I've been used to in the past.

I hope to see you around :)

Best Regards,

Welcome to Shards!

I have yet to talk to anyone who didn't think SoD was an improvement over Live. Hopefully you'll find the same. See you in Dalaya!
Thanks for the welcome Hasrett.

I like not knowing whats around the corner in this world, it has more of the new game thrill.
That was what really pulled me into SoD. It has enough of the Live feel to be familiar and to make learning the game pretty easy, but aside from the basic framework, it's an entirely new game with a new world to explore.

I'm glad you're enjoying it!
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