I saw this site a few days ago didn't give it much thought. Then I started hearing the music play in my head at work, back when I was a freshmen in high school loading my elf in Kelethin from the school computers.. so uh.. here I am 
This community looks great! I read the rules and guidelines, quite excited about loading up and seeing whats new.
I only have a few questions about SoD that I didn't seem to find answers too, with some of the content having been customized, is the game still similar to the eq live version around the time of kunark/velious with exceptions given to content changes up to LDoN?
Also I was reading that GoD may be implemented soon through patches. I was wondering what the prime direction is on expansions when the SoD dev's implement them. Do they add new dungeons/zones and filter out the junk stuff (i.e. extra abilities)?
I don't mean to jump the gun with that question either as I know the dev's don't like being pestered about new content and such. I was curious though from seeing what EQ live as done with later expansions, since they are moving all new people to one place to level 1-80 and are reworking all the classic zones we vets hold dear
<3 and Thanks again Wiz and Liam and everyone else for making this Shard possible.
This community looks great! I read the rules and guidelines, quite excited about loading up and seeing whats new.
I only have a few questions about SoD that I didn't seem to find answers too, with some of the content having been customized, is the game still similar to the eq live version around the time of kunark/velious with exceptions given to content changes up to LDoN?
Also I was reading that GoD may be implemented soon through patches. I was wondering what the prime direction is on expansions when the SoD dev's implement them. Do they add new dungeons/zones and filter out the junk stuff (i.e. extra abilities)?
I don't mean to jump the gun with that question either as I know the dev's don't like being pestered about new content and such. I was curious though from seeing what EQ live as done with later expansions, since they are moving all new people to one place to level 1-80 and are reworking all the classic zones we vets hold dear
<3 and Thanks again Wiz and Liam and everyone else for making this Shard possible.