Hello Everybody


Dalayan Beginner
Howdy Yall,
I am new to SoD, but not the game. I am an oldschooler from back in the day. Oldschool Original-Velious RZ (anybody from RZ send me a PM, I would love to chat it up with ya. I was in LV and FoH at different times) and after I played on Bertox until PoP then took a break and came back for a couple months, so I have a 70 Time Geared Monk with some random newer expansion gear... Stopped before the Ro expansion came out though. I'm looking for the old school feel, and so far I love the server. Looking to level up and get into a raiding guild, I have experience with many 60+ toons including Monk, Cleric, Necro, SK and Shaman... I'm kinda in to RP when I'm in the mood type thing, I love the concept of it on old style servers like this. I am going to level up a shaman Grogosh and I may as well 2 box on occasion my SK Grogash.

Its funny, I have the feeling like when I first started that its a strange new world, without friends. It makes the game more challenging and exciting. Although I would like some friends :) . If anybody wants to talk hit me up in game, I'm in school for most of the day... (junior in college) But around 4 or so Mntn time I'm probably on for a few hours at least every night. Also if anybody would be interested that is just starting out or looking to level an alt, I would love a partner to level with! Its always more fun with a friend or two.

Well thanks for reading all this, I look forward to meeting some new people and having a blast playing! Take care yall

Alright, so anybody from RZ or Bertox here?
Also, are there any original style raiding zones? or all custom raiding content?

thats dope, now i just gotta grind and grind forever so i can experience the custom raid content, im stoked!

suburban4u said:
Alright, so anybody from RZ or Bertox here?
Also, are there any original style raiding zones? or all custom raiding content?


I played on Bertox. Who was your main?
I played on Rallos about 4 years but I started as Lucid Vision and Flowers of Happiness were dying there was only a handful of LV and FoH were just a bunch of lvl 20ish PK mega twinks.

Muddah Soulflayer : SK 70/378aa when retired.

I was in Celestial Empire then later joined Seekers of Divinity and I quit as they merged with Ascending Dawn right before the PVP server merger.

Yes I killed the sleeper w/o exploits....
on bertox my main was Xarlox, I don't/havent played him for a while(gave him to a good friend) . Who were you on bertox?

Ansley said:
I played on Rallos about 4 years but I started as Lucid Vision and Flowers of Happiness were dying there was only a handful of LV and FoH were just a bunch of lvl 20ish PK mega twinks.

Muddah Soulflayer : SK 70/378aa when retired.

I was in Celestial Empire then later joined Seekers of Divinity and I quit as they merged with Ascending Dawn right before the PVP server merger.

Yes I killed the sleeper w/o exploits....

yeah its sad, in their prime LV and FoH both were extremly good PVP Guilds.. I left before they really started crapping out. Good Friends from RZ, my best EQ memories are from RZ right after the release of Kunark when (imo) PvP was at its climax...

Hey Ya'll
I hit level 22 Earlier Today. And nobody has gotten back to me about partnering up with me to level! what kind of people are you? this is redicilous, I cant believe that you people arent more friendly. what a crock! I came here, with open arms wanting to make friends, and I am rejected by you all. I am much more of a good hearted person than any of you! Yall would be blessed to have a great friend like me!!

Just kidding about all of that, I'm actuelly really shallow and practically a complete waste of space.
Just needed to write something after playing SoD and watching college football all day. What a great use of a saturday!

Take Care

Hey Yall,
Just wanted to say I've been here a few weeks and I friggin love the server. So much > Live .
The Devs are great, the community is great, I love changes to zones and the lore is incredible!
Only problem is my first toon was a shaman, then I realized that everybody has a shaman bot so they are not needed :(. So I've made a paladin (Pikiel) and leveled him up nicely. And alas I just created an enchanter. I just wanted to say ya'll (devs and most of the community) are great! I'm enjoying the server and keep up the great work!

Pikiel Paladin
Percivel Enchanter
Grogosh Shaman
suburban4u said:
on bertox my main was Xarlox, I don't/havent played him for a while(gave him to a good friend) . Who were you on bertox?


I didn't see this until now, but my main was Spiritist (shaman, obv) on Bertox. I believe you were a monk?
Yeah, you were Prophecy right? Yeah I was a monk, in DC. I remember you forever trying to buy Holgresh Elder Beads? and selling your Blacksmith Service, iirc. Nice to see anotehr bertox player here >.<
suburban4u said:
Yeah, you were Prophecy right? Yeah I was a monk, in DC. I remember you forever trying to buy Holgresh Elder Beads? and selling your Blacksmith Service, iirc. Nice to see anotehr bertox player here >.<

Haha, yeah that was me. I wish I still had those beads...damn. I was in Prophecy for a long time and then OSW before I quit. Before that I was in Divine (broke up) and Phantom Raiders (got booted because Balkothe, someone I knew IRL, left the guild and tried to get in Prophecy...LAWL at the politics on Live servers).

By the way...Jedz also plays on this server.
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