Hello every body ^_^


Dalayan Beginner
well hello to you all i'll be playing on this very nice EQ private server ^_^
I should be online once EQs done patch and i'v read through all the other half of the rules XD
well i'm still patching <_<

O and heres what my charictor personality is going to be like:

manners: quiet at times but can lash out at the enemy with out notice

Talking manners: properly spoken yet he says little

Voice: Deep yet sutal though when angered it becomes deep and raspy

Fobias: harsh icy terian (EX icy tundras) though dosnt mind mild cold weather (EX a common winter time)
Heya's and hiyas.. now im not the newest newbie anymore../cheer..my char is only a day or so old..still kinda lost/confuse myself..as this world is SOOOO diffrent frm the "live" verison..((of course..that is EXACTLY why we're all here HEH )) :toot:

look forward to seeing you in game.. i go by "wayland" a W/E druid. currnly exploring his suroindings (carefuly)>.and trying to figgure out was is goin on.(hey i never said
"way" was the sharpest stick in the forest..ROFLO> see ya around
Welcome to SoD guilmon, it's great to see some thought put into your character creation as far as roleplay you might check out the forum here, there's a good handful of people around that enjoy it!
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