Hello, and some questions


Dalayan Beginner
Hi there everyone! i was recently introduced to this site and figured maybe i'd post up before going to the trouble of getting everything installed etc.

Back in the day just as ruins of Kunark was released i was quite an avid EQ player, i spent countless hours playing yet never had a high level character that competed in high end raids etc.

since then i've dabbled in WoW etc. but i'd love to return to EQ

a few questions perhaps u guys who play on this server could answer..

1. So how many expansions does this server include? im reading the "platinum edition" so im asuming that includes veilous, all the nexus stuff etc. ?

2. How many people regularly play on this server? the forums dont seem all that alive?

3. is the EXP earned the same as it is on the Live servers?

i'd love to come back, but im scared i would load on everything just to be met with an empty server?

also can u run more then 1 character at a time on the same computer?

thanks much and Hello to everyone!
well Hello, I am in the process of getting myself going as well.

Some of the same questions i have, but at the same time, I am already contemplating the fact that its possible to start with two boxing just so i know i have a way to get xp.

But other then that, from what i gather, there seems to be a bit of difference in all the things i read.... about this version of EQ, and some others... so it seems to me that the best way to think of this is like an EQ alternative universe of sorts.

I have been out there looking at a few different MMORPGs and some seem cool, some are nothing at all like I wish to play.

I am expecting less of a crowd when i get online, but i am also expecting to find folks who really like EQ (and gaming in general) for reasons that have nothing to do with flashy graphics. Not that good graphics are not fun, but they do not really make a game better imo.

Hope to see you on there bud.
Hi there everyone! i was recently introduced to this site and figured maybe i'd post up before going to the trouble of getting everything installed etc.

Back in the day just as ruins of Kunark was released i was quite an avid EQ player, i spent countless hours playing yet never had a high level character that competed in high end raids etc.

since then i've dabbled in WoW etc. but i'd love to return to EQ

a few questions perhaps u guys who play on this server could answer..

1. So how many expansions does this server include? im reading the "platinum edition" so im asuming that includes veilous, all the nexus stuff etc. ?

2. How many people regularly play on this server? the forums dont seem all that alive?

3. is the EXP earned the same as it is on the Live servers?

i'd love to come back, but im scared i would load on everything just to be met with an empty server?

also can u run more then 1 character at a time on the same computer?

thanks much and Hello to everyone!

!. this goes all the way up to depth of darkhollow i believe. not all zones are used, and they are differently connected, renamed, different mobs, etc..

2. regularly there is about 400+ people on during prime times. and during the "dead hours" which i play in there is about 150ish. not hard to get groups normally.

3. the exp here is a little quicker than live, however that doesnt mean things are easier here. lots of extra AA or tome exp to work on.

you can two box here, but that the max. any more and you'll get banned. you wont log into a dead server. very active here, fairly friendly. cept we bash guys who beg.... or at least i do. so please dont be THAT guy heh. hope this helped.
no worries, i wont be begging. I want the satisfaction that comes from making my toon (i have no idea if anyone here calls them that) self reliant at the very least.

I am a sucker for being a rogue and thats what i aim to main, but i know that having myself a shammy is useful to say the least. Other then that, I am looking forward to this in a big way.

thanks for the info on the community size. I do hope to make a few new friends and enjoy a great game.
if you have any rogue questions speak with Dimmi in game, he's pretty good and friendly. knowledgeable to boot.
go ahead and message me if you need any information in game. my toon name is same as forum name: Luccian
i think we are only up to GoD. i could be wrong.

exp is a tad faster. Its a bit more challenging than live imo. Not as many zones as live to stock up on loot though there is plenty. Better story lines that live by far. Aug quests with good story lines.
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