Dalayan Beginner
Hi there everyone! i was recently introduced to this site and figured maybe i'd post up before going to the trouble of getting everything installed etc.
Back in the day just as ruins of Kunark was released i was quite an avid EQ player, i spent countless hours playing yet never had a high level character that competed in high end raids etc.
since then i've dabbled in WoW etc. but i'd love to return to EQ
a few questions perhaps u guys who play on this server could answer..
1. So how many expansions does this server include? im reading the "platinum edition" so im asuming that includes veilous, all the nexus stuff etc. ?
2. How many people regularly play on this server? the forums dont seem all that alive?
3. is the EXP earned the same as it is on the Live servers?
i'd love to come back, but im scared i would load on everything just to be met with an empty server?
also can u run more then 1 character at a time on the same computer?
thanks much and Hello to everyone!
Back in the day just as ruins of Kunark was released i was quite an avid EQ player, i spent countless hours playing yet never had a high level character that competed in high end raids etc.
since then i've dabbled in WoW etc. but i'd love to return to EQ
a few questions perhaps u guys who play on this server could answer..
1. So how many expansions does this server include? im reading the "platinum edition" so im asuming that includes veilous, all the nexus stuff etc. ?
2. How many people regularly play on this server? the forums dont seem all that alive?
3. is the EXP earned the same as it is on the Live servers?
i'd love to come back, but im scared i would load on everything just to be met with an empty server?
also can u run more then 1 character at a time on the same computer?
thanks much and Hello to everyone!