Hello and goodbye


Dalayan Beginner
I was hoping to have fun here but the first players I ran into in game besides in the dream world killed me . At least I got to hit lvl 2 before getting 1 hit killed a bunch in town . Can't do much or enjoy a game when getting treated like garbage in your first hour on the server . Just thought I would say Hi to all the people who I never got to meet who really are nice and say Bye to the ones who like to ruin it for new players by camping the towns .
this is not a pvp server. If you are flagging at such a low level for pvp then it's your fault. This doesn't discount the fact that it's lame to kill a lowbie though.
I know how to play and I know I didn't flag myself . All I did was walked into town and I would get attacked . Dunno how they can do that with it being non-pvp .... but it was
well maybe you should ask before quitting? because something is definitely wrong. You can't get attacked unless you are pvp flagged.
There is a chance you (accidentally) ran into arena if you were in a city, and you automatically become pvp flagged while in the area, but you also get a message saying so. Anyone could have killed you there. It's not nice to kill a level 2, though.
You start off non PvP flagged. If you talked with a Priest of War, he would have flagged you for PvP. Your name would appear red then if you zoom out or change your camera view. You need to hail and talk to a Priest of Harmony to get the non-PvP status back.

I did the same mistake, and got worried since it was stupidly hard to un-flag yourself in live, when I accidentally did that, but I got help within 30 seconds of asking in the guild chat, and was un-flagged within 2 minutes after (time it took me to get to the other priest), so not exactly sure who exactly out of the players you ran into, because 95% of the ones I've seen so far make a bloody awesome community.

You clearly are doing something wrong somewhere. Send me a tell if I'm on (Volkier), I'll be more than happy to help out to see what's going on if you'd like ::)
Yeah, ask questions! Get help! Don't quit over such a short time. What town are you talking about anyway? I've never heard of people "camping" towns.
This is not a pvp game. If your getting killed at the gates it is because your kos to the city.
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