Hello...And a few problems?


Dalayan Beginner
Okay, first of all, hi everybody! Looking forward to playing with everyone, btw sorry about my name, got mixed up usually it'd be Spaztastic. So now that I've made my introduction I'm having a few problems playing the server. And please move this thread if it is not in the correct area. I have the titanium pack of EverQuest and I've patched SoD, but now I run the patcher, with start and play, press start EQ and it pops me up at the EQ screen. I go in and try to play and it keeps saying incorrect username/password, am I going to the wrong screen? Is there a custom SoD launcher? What am I doing wrong? I'll show you pics below.
I think in photo 3 I may of done something wrong, :psyduck: I'm a bit of a newby at computers, so, yeah. help me out :dumbsad:
Greetings! You need to change the executable to launch to eqgame.exe (3rd picture) and that should fix it. The one you were attempting to connect to was the live servers.
Thank you very much penfold, I was wondering about that but didn't think it'd be a problem. Thanks again. :)
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